Canada offers incredible business incentives. Our expertise helps you access them easily.
Canada wants your business, and provides aggressive tax incentives, grants, export insurance* and financing to companies of all sizes and industry sectors.
To access these, however, you need a Canadian partner — like us.
Why Canada?
- Proximity to USA
- Well-developed legal framework, little corruption
- Subsidies not risky (ie. trustworthy government)
- Strong education/universities for supply of talent
- Existing community for R&D, high tech and digital
- Same language, culture, legal structure (except Quebec)
- Canadian partners with experience in USA business culture
- Welcoming neighbours with expertise and resources
And your US dollar buys more in Canada!
Tax Credits
The well-established Film and Television Labour Tax Credits.
Venture Capital Program
IncentivIzes companies in higher risk sectors by way of 30% rebate for investors.
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
Provides 80% of salaries and 50% of contractor costs.
Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (IDMTC)
17.5% rebate on labour expenditures related to digital media content creation. (Video Games, VR, AR, & AI).
Scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED)
Supports R&D and provides as much as 35% refund.
Export Development Corp. (EDC)
Manages delivery risk by providing export insurance up to 85%.